Benefits For Women.

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  • Ligirl

    Benefits For Women.

    Despite the overwhelming benefits of weight lifting for women, why are so many women scared to lift weights? Many are afraid that they will turn into raging hulks or gain the muscle of an Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    This simply does not happen and should not prevent women from using resistance training in their weight loss plans.

    Weight-lifting exercises for women can maintain and build their bone mass. Increase muscle strength in the hip and spine areas, where most fractures occur from the brittle bone disease of osteoporosis. It also help's build and preserve the muscle mass lost during aging. The more stimulation the bones receive, the denser they will be. Which is very important for us later in life.

    In order to get the maxium results. One has to gradually increase the weight in these workouts. Once you have reached the maximum amount you can lift, vary your routine so you're putting different forces on muscles and bones.

    Without a doubt, weight lifting for women should be top priority when it comes to losing weight, toning up, or just plain getting into shape. Why you may ask, because it helps directly in weight loss. The more lean muscle a women has, the more calories she will burn even at rest!

    It is also a known fact that weight training can also help improve a person's mood. Can substantial increase your strength, increase muscle endurance, and make aerobic exercise easier.

    Bottom line...weight lifting for women is a must for overall great health!