"What is Earth asking you?"

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  • mrhtbd

    "What is Earth asking you?"

    I can't believe this shit. Are they serious? What is the earth asking you? The earth is asking me to run somebody over with a truck, but how will that stand up in court?

    I followed some leads of the "Green Commission," at our college and this is one of the links. No wonder there are so many fuck-wads in politics.
    Here is an excerpt:

    This question – What is Earth asking of us? – emerged in the conversation on the second day, and moved the group into a sense of deeper listening and humility. One of the three small working groups focused on "Connecting Transition and the Great Story" and asked what the Transition movement would look like if the evolutionary story of the Universe were integrated into its focus. After a process of reflection and conversation, the energetic report from this group to the gathering was clear: Earth was asking that its story be made integral and visible as context for the Transition movement. At the gathering’s final reflection, one person said “We so need to bring the New Cosmology into the movement.” And another stated: “I am grateful for this amazing space at Genesis Farm and especially grateful to be more connected to the Great Story and its potential within Transition, for it to fulfill some purpose that is great.”

    Evidently many of these people have been sipping the electric cool-aid.