common lifting practices that may not be healthy or even productive

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  • liftsiron
    • Nov 2003
    • 18446

    common lifting practices that may not be healthy or even productive

    Written by gotgame and posted on wcbb.

    common lifting practices that may not be healthy or even productive
    Disclaimer. Ive done all of these at some point. I see it being done, i see it being argued by some. My position on these things isnt really an opinion. While one can discuss them they are simply based on anatomy.

    1. I know i know... i once believed it too. I used to be in the camp that squating past parallel was better for your knees. ITS NOT. By doing so you transfer weight to the "non weight bearing" posterior femoral condyl articular cart. Its thinner and not as resistent to axial stresses. I see it all the time in guys who squat..they come in for MRIs and that cart is gone. People who dont squat low rarely have damage there.

    2. Squating in moderation is good but heavy ass squats is NOT good for your knees. The stresses places on your meniscus are crazy and can tear the posterior roots and extrude.

    3. Going very low in a squat creates more stress on your patella and quads tendon. I used to do this all the time, Its still good to do with lighter weights once in a while but day and in and day out will take its toll.

    4. Squating and long distance running causes immediate chondrolysis. I always suspected this but we are doing some t1 rho advanced MRI sequencing for the last few years looking at this set of people and immediately after there is damage. some of it can be repaired by your body other times it cant. The runners were 10+ miles. I still run and squat just keep it in mind.

    5. Deadlifting and leaning back to lock out. DO NOT DO THIS EVER! NO benefit and you are just placing an insane amount of axial stress on your discs and posterior elements.

    6. Doing squat "walk outs" or doing static bench press holds. you want to keep the force on your muscles not on your joints. please try to refrain from these unless using them to get past a plataue

    7. Shrugs where you are just holding at the bottom. Force is on your inferior glenohumeral joint and intrinsic structures and also pulling down on your C spine. Keep the tension on the muscles.

    8. Guys... hammer curls are not hitting your brachialis... they hit your brachioRADIALIS. Ok ofcourse they hit a lil bit of your brachialis but its not targeting that. The brachialis attaches to your ulna.. so why would being in a neutral radius up position target that..??? answer it doesnt. to hit that better try going to preacher using a dumbell in a supinated position and elbow places slightly medial. That will hit it slightly more. enough with this hammer curl for brachialis BS. Its brachioradialis ( upper forearm).

    9. If you want bigger triceps you need to targer the long head in the back. That crosses the shoulder joint so it is used in stablization and in humerus flexion. WTF does that mean... to target it you need to do things like bring your arm above your head and then bring it forward. Sort of like the pull over position where it gets a good stretch and then brings weight forward. You can do this MANY ways but doing rope pushdown in the mirror is not gonna hit this. You can activate it though by doing some modified presses like the JM press ( one of my favorite) and that doesnt require an overhead stretch position but hits it for other reasons. Of course i am making some generalizations and im talking about targeting. Yes pushdowns will hit it a bit as will other things but if you want to target it then you need to be smart about what you do.

    10. This last point is ok more opinion and debatable but in my opinion building muscle is easy. People make it way too complicated. People are counting sets, reps. time under tension etc etc. I havent really counted weight or reps or sets in years. Just push yourself. Warm up well, push youself by doing a lot of sets, decrease subjective time between sets, handle as much weight as you can without getting hurt and really dig deep and push yourself. If you work your muscles hard to the point of exhaustion and dont get hurt so you can do it frequently and consistently and eat well and recover you will grow. I see guys getting so hung up on different programs...just lift! I went to the gym tonight and hit legs.. I couldnt tell you what weight I did or how many sets but when i left i dont think i could hit another set and was shaking my whole walk home. What more can do you do then give it your all....
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