Advanced AAS Cycling

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  • chicken_hawk

    Advanced AAS Cycling

    AAS Cycling Principles

    Testosterone Should be the Base of any Cycle

    Regardless of whether the cycle is designed for mass, pre-contest, or maintenance, it should be built around a base of testosterone. Although other steroids exists that are more effective mass builders than testosterone on a mg per mg basis, they cannot be administered at the same level without causing serious side effects. For example, 50 mg of oxymetholone (Anadrol, Anapolon) is a more effective mass builder than 50 mg of testosterone. However, large amounts of testosterone can be used for long periods of time without the same deleterious side effects of an equal amount of oxymetholone. When we examine all of the steroids that are more effective than test on a mg per mg basis, we see the same trend every time.

    Of the many factors that affect the success of any cycle, two stand out. One of course is the type of steroid used. The second is the total amount of steroid administered. 1 gram of testosterone a week is certainly going to cause more growth than 500 mg. However, the side effects associated with 1 gram are not significantly greater than those of half that amount. By using testosterone as a base, you are able to significantly increase your total intake of steroid without significantly increasing your health risk.

    So, why not use a milder anabolic like nandrolone decanoate (deca durabolin) or methanolone (primobolan) to increase the total amount of steroid? Again, the other part of the equation is the type of steroid used. While these steroids look great on paper, real world application teaches us that they are not as effective as testosterone at inducing growth. While these steroids are certainly valuable adjuncts to any anabolic regimen, they are not sufficiently powerful enough to form the base of our cycle.

    Tapering is a Waste of Time

    Typical cycles are designed in a tapered fashion, starting low and slowly rising to the maximum dose. Once the maximum dose is reached, these cycles begin to steadily decline in dose to reach a very small amount at the end. The theory behind these cycles is as follows: At the start of the program, the body doesn't require much in the way of anabolics to grow. As the cycle progresses and growth occurs, more steroid is needed to maintain growth. At the peak of the cycle, the amount of steroid is slowly decreased to allow the body to return to a normal hormonal state. This ensures that the body does not experience a shock as the endogenous production of androgens has been restored through the gradual tapering of exogenous androgens.

    Unfortunately, this theory of cycling is flawed. Designing cycles in this fashion usually ensures that the optimum level of steroid to induce growth is only present in the body for a short period. Most of the cycle is either spent climbing towards this goal or retreating from it in the hopes of restoring the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis.

    When designing a cycle, the very first question that must be answered is what is the peak mg amount of steroid that will be used during the course of the program. This amount of steroid should be used for most of the cycle, with little fluctuation at the beginning and end. This ensures that an adequate dose of steroid is being used to induce growth throughout the length of the cycle.

    Concerns over maintaining or restoring proper function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) are easily addressed via the use of a variety of pharmaceuticals. Once endogenous production of androgens has been halted due to excessive levels of androgens in the blood, the only effective methods of restoring normal hormonal function is by cleaning out or the use of pharmaceuticals like clomiphen or HCG. Tapering to restore normal hormonal function is a waste of time since it can easily be restored using these drugs.

    Use of Accessory Drugs is a Must

    Use of accessory meds becomes necessary to minimize the side effects associated with steroid use. However, with the host of anti-estrogens, anti-aromatases, thyroid hormones, and hormone releasing pharmaceuticals, it becomes difficult to determine which medications are necessary and which are not. Listed below are some of the accessory medications that can be utilized during a cycle with a short explanation of each.

    This is an absolute necessity for any cycle. Not only does clomid function as an estrogen antagonist, it also causes a release of pituitary gonadotropins. In laymen's terms this means that clomid will help prevent side effects like gynocomastia while maintaining testicular function. Clomid should be used at 50-100 mg/day throughout the length of the cycle and for 3 weeks afterwards.

    This drug should also be used as an adjunct to any cycle. Cytadren will function as an aromatase inhibitor, minimizing the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Cytadren is also somewhat effective at minimizing the conversion of testosterone to DHT, the metabolite of test that's responsible for many of the uglier side effects of steroid use. Cytadren should be used at 250-500 mg a day.

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin mimics the action of the hormones that stimulate the testicles to release testosterone. HCG should be used during the middle of the cycle at 3000-5000 iu's in divided dosages to maintain testicular function. While HCG and clomid are both used to prevent testicular atrophy and the shutdown of endogenous androgen production, they work through different pathways. HCG should not be used at the end of a cycle because it mimics the actions of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and can prevent the release of these hormones from the pituitary.

    T3: Thyroid:
    Tridothyronine, the active form of thyroid, should be used during heavy cycles. Very small doses of T3 can improve anabolism while keeping body fat levels low. T3 should be used very sparingly to prevent a shutdown of endogenous thyroid release.

    This drug is a very effective estrogen antagonist. However, nolvadex will decrease serum IGF-1 levels, making steroid cycles less effective. This drug should only be needed in situations where abnormally large amounts of androgens are being used.

    Arimidex and Teslac:
    Both are effective at preventing the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen, however both are tremendously expensive. Clomid and cytradren together are extremely effective and can be acquired for much less.

    Sufficient Drug Should be Administered to Produce Growth

    Many athletes administer insufficient amounts of steroids and wonder why they are not receiving the desired results. This is usually borne out of a fear of side effects and lack of proper knowledge of sports pharmacology. It's imperative that enough total steroid is administered to create an anabolic environment in the body.

    In part one of this article, I wrote, "..drugs are merely the vehicle that allow bodybuilders to break their natural genetic barrier once it has been reached. Steroids and other bodybuilding drugs should be used only to push past this barrier, not to accelerate the time in which it is reached." It is imperative that an athlete trains to the absolute limit of his natural genetic potential before starting any kind of steroid cycle. Once an athlete has reached his genetic potential, he should be past the point where 400 mg of steroid a week is going to have a great affect on his physique.

    The decision to use steroids is not one to be made lightly. Starting a cycle shifts you into another dimension of bodybuilding. Natural bodybuilders can enjoy the sport knowing that they are not only improving their physique, but their health as well. Once the decision to use steroids is made, the sport ceases to be the healthy pursuit it once was. However, the educated bodybuilder can minimize any health risk to a great degree through intelligent planning and the use of accessory meds.

    Once the educated decision has been made to use steroids, an appropriate cycle can be designed. Even a cycle for a beginner should utilize at least one gram of steroid per week. This can be an extremely effective dose for both beginner and intermediate bodybuilders but have almost no side effects if designed properly. Listed below are two very simple examples of cycles of this magnitude.

    Example cycle:

    Cycle 1- Lasting 8 weeks
    Weeks 1-6
    600 mg test cypionate or enanthate per week
    400 mg deca per week
    50 mg clomid per day
    5000 IU of HCG during week 4

    Weeks 7-8
    600 mg test propionate per week taken in divided doses of 200 mg EOD
    350 mg of winstrol per week taken in divided doses of 50 mg per day
    50 mg clomid per day continuing for 3 weeks after the cycle

    Cycle 2- Lasting 6 weeks
    Weeks 1-3
    750 mg of Sustanon per week
    175 mg of methandrostenolone per week taken in divided doses of 25 mg per day
    50 mg of clomid per day
    250 mg of cytadren EOD
    5000 IU of HCG during week 3

    Weeks 4
    800 mg of cypionate or enanthate
    175 mg of methandrostenolone at 25 mg/day
    50 mg of clomid per day
    250 mg of cytadren every day

    Weeks 5-6
    600 mg propionate per week taken in divided doses of 200 mg EOD
    350 mg of trenbolone acetate taken in divided doses of 50 mg every day
    50 mg of clomid per day continuing for 3 weeks after the cycle

    Both of these cycles would produce fantastic results for both a beginner and intermediate level bodybuilder with a minimum of side effects.

    Part II

    Advanced AAS Cycling

    Steroid cycles for bodybuilders will differ from those of other athletes because a bodybuilders sole purpose is to increase muscle size. Muscular endurance, stamina, and strength are not factors one must concern them self with when entering into a competition. Additionally, because everyone responds differently to different drugs, it's difficult to be specific when making exact recommendations as to what drugs to use during a given cycle. What is possible is to design cycles based around principals which apply to everyone, then tailor each cycle to each individual athlete. This article will discuss the facts around which every cycle should be based

    In order to achieve the kind of muscular size and definition found at the highest levels of bodybuilding today, bodybuilders lives revolve around the triad of training, nutrition, and drugs. As we will see, drugs are merely the vehicle that allow bodybuilders to break their natural genetic barrier once it has been reached. Steroids and other bodybuilding drugs should be used only to push past this barrier, not to accelerate the time in which it is reached. I cannot stress how important it is that athletes refrain from using anabolics until they have reached the absolute pinnacle of their natural development. Bodybuilders who use performance drugs before peaking naturally are cheating themselves of muscle at the back end.

    Bodybuilders at the national and professional level rarely come off bodybuilding drugs. Generally they will stay of heavy amounts of anabolics constantly, with periods of lower use which constitute their "off" cycle. However, for the most part, they are constantly "on", despite what they may claim. Ideally we would want a system that would allow for bodybuilders to come completely off steroids for a minimum period of three weeks to allow the body to stabilize, that is return to homeostasis, while maintaining the majority of the size they gained while on. This allows for continuous growth, not the eventual plateau that is reached by never coming off. While the size exhibited by today's bodybuilders is certainly mind-boggling, we will continually see bodybuilders getting ever massive with advances in drugs, nutrition, and training techniques.

    Let's first dispel a few myths surrounding steroids and their mechanism of action in the body. A very popular theory that has been endorsed by many is that steroids cause growth by blocking the actions of cortical in the body, therefore shifting the body away from homeostasis towards anabolism. However, if steroids blocked the affects of cortical in the body, two things would happen. All of our muscles would grow at an increased rate, regardless of whether we trained them or not, and we would see a concomitant increase in cortical levels in the body. Neither is seen to any appreciable degree during steroid cycles. It is also thought by many that steroids are purely anabolic, and that the growth seen during steroid use is entirely due to steroids anabolic affect on muscle. Again, if this were true, we would see all muscles grow at a rapid pace, regardless of whether they were trained or not. The truth is that steroids are both catabolic and anabolic at the same time, and that steroids are virtually useless unless combined with proper training and diet.

    As almost everyone has experienced, the first cycle of steroids is usually the most productive. Subsequent cycles work according to the law of diminishing returns, and as the user becomes bigger and bigger, steroids will become increasingly less effective. Many pro bodybuilders have reached a plateau, and simply administer incredible amounts of bodybuilding drugs to maintain the mass they have built. These individuals reach this stage after years and years of heavy juicing. Take any pro bodybuilder and you will discover they all follow the same pattern. When they first began using steroids they took minimal amounts. As time went on, they took more and more to continue growing. As time goes on, cycles end and they remain on growth drugs continuously, ensuring two things. One, they won't lose any of their hard earned size, and two, that they can never successfully go off the drugs in order to clean out and give their receptors a chance to up-regulate.

    When the body is exposed to large amounts of exogenous anabolics for long periods of time, several things happen. Endogenous production of testosterone will cease since blood levels of androgens are at supraphysiological levels. With continued use, androgen receptors will down regulate as the body attempts to maintain homeostasis. This down regulation of steroid receptors is one of the primary reasons why the first cycle of steroids is usually the most effective. Fortunately for us, training helps keep this down regulation of steroid receptors in check, at least to some degree. This is one of the reasons why trained muscles grow while on steroids while untrained muscles do not. While supraphysiological levels of androgens are down regulators of androgen receptors, intense muscular contractions are up-regulators.

    Let's talk about anabolic steroids and cortical again. As I stated earlier, steroids do not block the actions of cortical in the body. What steroids will do is reduce the rise of cortical levels in the body that is associated with training. Natural bodybuilders will always be limited in the quest for size because cortical is naturally elevated in response to training. Eventually these cortical levels balance out the anabolic effects of training and growth stops. Steroids blunt this effect of training and shift the body towards a more anabolic state.

    What happens when steroid use is stopped? Why does the body tend to shrink so rapidly? As we have discussed, natural testosterone production stops during long term periods of steroid use. Additionally, many of the androgen receptors will down-regulate. Cortical, which has been kept in check by the steroids despite the enormous stresses placed upon the body, will now rise as the levels of steroid diminish. What we are now facing is the ultimate anabolic nightmare. Little or no natural hormone being released to stimulate androgen receptors, many of which have down-regulated anyway, and cortical levels rising unchecked. It's no wonder bodybuilders can never successfully come off steroids. However, imagine the possibilities if we could. What would happen if you could successfully cycle steroids, growing at an amazing rate while on, while maintaining the majority of your muscle mass while off? This off period would allow your receptors a chance to up-regulate and future cycles would still produce significant amounts of growth.
    Previous cycling strategies have all been flawed. I know that's a bold statement but it's simply a matter of fact. If it were not true, everyone would cycle steroids and achieve remarkable results. However, we all know that simply isn't the case. In order to properly cycle we have to understand how steroids work, what happens as a result of their use, and what happens when we stop. Hopefully we are all on the same page at this point. This is where things get interesting.

    Recently we've seen a few Guru's advocating very short cycles of steroids, 2-3 weeks, in order to capitalize on the initial anabolic effect of steroids and avoid any of the long term side effects. However, cycles lasting 2-3 weeks in length simply don't produce significant enough growth to make them worthwhile. Our cycle will last at least 8 weeks, possibly 10, the exact length is based upon the point where growth begins to slow down. Let's get down to brass tacks.

    Our sample cycle requires the following:
    - Long acting testosterone like Sustenon
    - Medium acting testosterone like cypionate or enanthate
    - Short acting testosterone like propionate or suspension
    - Long acting anabolics like deca
    - Short acting anabolics like winstrol or primobolan
    - Orals, either d-ball or anadrol (if you can find it!)
    - Short acting insulin
    - T3 thyroid
    - Cytadren
    - HCG
    - Clomid
    - GH is optional if you can afford it

    Well, that certainly puts things into perspective doesn't it? Most of you are now wondering where in the world you are supposed to find all of the items on this list. Good luck, we can't help you with acquisitions.


    Week 1
    Previous cycling strategies have always advocated starting at a low dose, peaking after several weeks, and then cycling down. However, since you are coming off of a layoff and are in an extremely catabolic state, you have the most potential for growth during the first few weeks of any cycle. Additionally, your receptors should be fully open, ready to receive the wonderful goodness you are about to give them. We start with 3000 mg a week of a long acting androgen like Sustanon. This should be divided up into 2 or 3 doses throughout the week do avoid any kind of reaction from too large of an injection. Orals should be consumed at a level of 50 mg of either methandrostenolone or oxymethalone per day. Training at this point should be intense, utilizing drop sets and pre-exhaustion, while training as heavy as possible. Eat like a pig, keeping the protein intake high. You will still be slightly lethargic as the DNP clears from your system during the first three days of this cycle. (For those of you who are scratching your head, see Issue I, Insulin and DNP)

    Week 2
    You should be feeling pretty good by now as the androgens have hit your system. Starting with week two, you'll add 50 mcg of T3 thyroid and 500 mg of cytadren a day to your cycle. Additionally, your intake of long acting androgens should increase to 3500 mg a week. Orals are increased to either 75 mg of methandrostenolone or 100 mg of oxymetholone a day.

    Week 3
    You've now been on for fourteen days and growth should be progressing nicely. Food intake should be at its peak, as the heavy androgen load has increased your ability to consume massive quantities of food. Training should be very intense, as your strength continues to rise. At the beginning of week three, your injections of long acting androgens increases to its peak of 4000 mg per week. Orals are increased to either 100 mg of methandrostenolone or 150 mg of oxymetholone per week. 400 mg of deca should be introduced this week. Intake of T3 and cytadren remain constant. Two shots of HCG should be taken this week in divided dosages of either 1500 or 2500 iu's each dose, depending on the brand of HCG you are using.

    Week 4
    This week marks the beginning of insulin use during the cycle. You should have been off of insulin for three full weeks by now (See Issue I, Insulin and DNP). It's difficult to recommend proper doses of insulin and each individual must tailor their use to their own response. Some respond better to smaller doses, while others must take large doses of insulin to get the same result. Since this cycle is designed for advanced bodybuilders, this is probably not the first time you are using insulin. An average dose this week would be 20 iu's a day divided between two 10 iu doses. Insulin should be taken fairly early in the day to avoid getting low in the evening while asleep. Levels of other drugs should remain at week 3 levels, with the exception of deca, which is increased to 600 mg per week. This week totals out at approximately 5500 mg per week of steroid. Clomid use starts this week at 50 mg every other day.

    Week 5
    This is the last week long acting androgens are used. Levels of testosterone administration is decreased to 3000 mg per week. Orals should remain at week 3 and 4 levels. Administration of deca is increased to 1200 mg per week. Insulin is increased to 30 iu's a day, divided into three daily doses of 10 iu's. Again, it may be necessary to adjust insulin use according to your personal response. Intake of T3 should be reduced to 25 mcg a day and cytadren to 250 mg a day. Clomid use is raised to 50 mg every day.

    testosterone cypionate or enathate chart

    Week 6
    This week you'll start using medium acting testosterone esters like cypionate or enanthate. These should be used on an alternating day basis at a level of 800 mg every other day. The chart above shows levels of testosterone in the body after using cypionate or enanthate and clearly shows why we dose every other day. Levels peak after the second day of administration and fall rapidly thereafter. Doses of orals are reduced to either 75 mg of methandrostenolone or 100 mg of oxymetholone per day. Deca remains at 1200 mg a week. Injectable winstrol is added at a level of 50 mg every other day. Insulin use should peak at 40 iu's a day, divided among four 10 iu dosages throughout the day. Again, adjust this figure accordingly. T3 and cytadren levels remain at week 5 levels. HCG is again administered in two divided doses of either 1500 or 2500 iu's. Clomid is not used this week.

    Week 7
    The cypionate or enanthate is continued at 800 mg every other day. Orals are further reduced to 50 mg of methandrostenolone or oxymetholone per day. Injectable winstrol is increased to 50 mg every day. Deca is increased to 1600 mg per week. T3 is reduced to 25 mcg every other day and cytadren to 250 mg every other day. Insulin continues at 40 iu's per day in divided dosages. Clomid is started again at the increased dose of 100 mg per day.

    Week 8
    Cypionate or enanthate is cut back to 400 mg every other day. Propionate is added to the tune of 200 mg every day. Doses of orals continue at week 7 levels. Injectable winstrol is increased to 100 mg per day. Deca is dropped completely, its long life in the body doesn't require that it be administered for the last two weeks. T3 and cytadren are stopped completely, tamoxifen should be added at 60 mg a day. Insulin should be cut back to one 10 iu dose a day. Clomid is continued at 100 mg per day.

    Week 9
    The cypionate or enanthate is cut completely and propionate is upped to 300 mg every day through the fourth day of this week. Suspension is added this week at 100 mg per day, taken in divided dosages of 50 mg twice a day. On day five of this week, propionate is dropped. Winstrol remains at 100 mg per day and tamoxifen remains at 60 mg per day. For our purposes, week 9 should actually be a 10 day week. Over the last five days of this week, suspension and winstrol should be reduced to zero levels by day 10. Tamoxifen continues at 60 mg per day during the three week off period. Clomid is continued through the end of the week at 100 mg per day.

    Obviously the above cycle is designed with the elite level bodybuilder in mind. Dosages can be moved up or down according to your personal goals, drug availability, etc. As was stated in the beginning of this article, everyone responds differently to different drugs and there may be a drug that works particularly well for you. In the next issue of Anabolic Extreme, we'll expand on this article and explain the why's of this cycle. Furthermore we'll get into GH use and some drugs that work particularly well for everyone. Finally, we'll discuss the secrets to keeping the mass you've gained on your cycle during the three week clean out period before the next growing phase. Stay tuned!!
  • liftsiron
    • Nov 2003
    • 18449

    Thanks for posting I had to make that a sticky.


    • bufbiker

      No expert but lots of experience. My opinion is 6 weeks of Test E and Deca is a waste of time for me and even for a beginner.


      • Diesel14

        Great post. A lot of solid knowledge in there.


        • BigSickD
          • May 2004
          • 2720

          Damn that's a lot of info. I think guys try to make Shit too complicated and rely on drugs way too much. That's why you see guys that only train when ON.
          BigSickD does not actually exist. He is the alter ego of a punkass 17yo kid that doesn't even workout.


          • Glycomann

            Damn I can't handle 4 grams of gear. 1/2 that and I get test flu.


            • Dawgpound_Hank

              Who is the author of the post? IMO, theres some good info in there, and yet bad info as well. Heres one:

              "Clomid should be used at 50-100 mg/day throughout the length of the cycle and for 3 weeks afterwards."


              • liftsiron
                • Nov 2003
                • 18449

                Originally posted by Dawgpound_Hank
                Who is the author of the post? IMO, theres some good info in there, and yet bad info as well. Heres one:

                "Clomid should be used at 50-100 mg/day throughout the length of the cycle and for 3 weeks afterwards."
                Whoa missed that when I skimmed through it. I intend to read the entire thing when I have a bit more time.


                • BigSickD
                  • May 2004
                  • 2720

                  Originally posted by liftsiron
                  Whoa missed that when I skimmed through it. I intend to read the entire thing when I have a bit more time.
                  Like 3 extra hours..LOL
                  BigSickD does not actually exist. He is the alter ego of a punkass 17yo kid that doesn't even workout.


                  • chicken_hawk

                    Originally posted by Dawgpound_Hank
                    Who is the author of the post? IMO, theres some good info in there, and yet bad info as well. Heres one:

                    "Clomid should be used at 50-100 mg/day throughout the length of the cycle and for 3 weeks afterwards."

                    Solid point, I originally posted this with a disclaimer, but it logged me out so the second time I said screw it. Anyway, this is an old (10yrs) thread by Jason Mueller of Anabolic Xtreme. The guy was another Dan Duchaine, but got popped for recs (GHB I think), but that is why the info is a bit dated.

                    However, I think you could find others who will vouche for this concept including myself.



                    • bufbiker

                      I actually just took the time to read all this info.
                      Very interesting. I guess I missed the dosing part last time I scanned it.


                      • Vannesb
                        Board rep
                        • Feb 2012
                        • 26

                        Originally posted by bufbiker
                        No expert but lots of experience. My opinion is 6 weeks of Test E and Deca is a waste of time for me and even for a beginner.
                        Deca should be ran for a minimum of 10 weeks it is a long ester and does not kick in until week 5. Also for a beginner cycle 300mg of Deca is plenty.
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