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    I was watching True Life a while ago. Man, I feel sorry for these young vets,,fucking kids served in Iraq , did their time and now they're all fucked up..Most of them are suicidal, alcoholics and Jobless..WTF,BROKE N JOBLESS ? are you kidding me? these guys fought for this country and they come back to nothing ? just becasue they're suffering PTSD from all the shit theyve been through and saw in the shithole..The Army turned their back on them after using them....Is that how we treat out heroes?
  • mrhtbd



    • Scotsmark
      • Apr 2005
      • 956

      Oly, this shit has been going on for decades.
      Britain fought Argentina in the Falkland Islands in 1982, there were 258 combat deaths but up to 2002, 264 personnel wo served in that conflict have taken their own lives. 454 Argentinan vets have taken their own lives (649 combat losses). read below;

      Medical and psychological treatment of Falklands veterans

      The South Atlantic Medal, a British military decoration for veterans of the war.The British Ministry of Defence was accused several times of a systematic failure to prepare service personnel for the horrors of war and to provide adequate care for them afterwards.

      There are allegations that the Ministry of Defence has tried to ignore the issue of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which left many sufferers emotionally scarred and unable to work, immersed in social dislocation, alcoholism, and depression. Veterans have suffered prolonged personality disorders, flashbacks, and anxiety sometimes reaching pathological levels.

      It was revealed that more veterans have committed suicide since the Falklands War ended than the number of servicemen killed in action The South Atlantic Medal Association (SAMA82), which represents and helps Falklands veterans, believes that some 264 veterans had taken their own lives by 2002, a number exceeding the 255 who died in active service, although no estimate is available for the expected number of suicides that would have occurred anyway.

      The trials of one British patient, Robert Lawrence, MC, were chronicled in a book co-authored by him entitled When The Fighting is Over which was later adapted into a television film. Lawrence was shot at close range by an FN rifle and lost a large percentage of brain matter, but recovered to a degree not thought possible. After the war he became an outspoken critic of the British Army's treatment of Falklands veterans. He remains partially paralysed in the left side of his body.

      A similar situation afflicts the veterans on the Argentine side, many of whom have similarly suffered from psychiatric disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, and social turmoil. The current Argentine suicide toll is 454, according to an Argentine film about the suicide of a Falklands veteran.


      • OLYMPIAN

        That fucked up .Armies around the world treat Vets like crap, use these brave men and then kick them like a sick dog when they dont need them .

        Every Argentinian I know hates the Brits with passion because of Las Malvinas war/Falklands


        • black7
          • Feb 2007
          • 4283

          THATS SAD
          Tempus fugit, Carpe diem.


          • Scotsmark
            • Apr 2005
            • 956

            Originally posted by OLYMPIAN

            Every Argentinian I know hates the Brits with passion because of Las Malvinas war/Falklands
            There's no love lost between England & Argentina, not so much the rest of the UK, all you have to do is see a football match between the 2 countries, it's a bit much if you ask me, Pinochet & Thatcher were the two leaders at the time, everybody knows that the armed forces follow orders of their heirarchy - just look at what's happening now.


            • Supes25

              Its bullshit, i have some friends back from afganistan and iraq that are having crazy trouble re-adapting to life at home. And the army just ignores it, atleat the marines require a month min of evals and treatment. it has helped a ton, shit one of them as we were driving down the road pulled his .45 and pointed it at a car on the side of the road, had to yell at him to pull it together, he said he is used to either having it blow up or insurgence coming out firing. We need to help the vets adjust to living back in country.


              • OLYMPIAN

                Originally posted by Scotsmark
                There's no love lost between England & Argentina, not so much the rest of the UK, all you have to do is see a football match between the 2 countries, it's a bit much if you ask me, Pinochet & Thatcher were the two leaders at the time, everybody knows that the armed forces follow orders of their heirarchy - just look at what's happening now.

                Pinochet was the leader of Chile not Argentina..Galtieri was the President in 82 if i'm not mistaken , a stupid drunk who didnt know any better.


                • Scotsmark
                  • Apr 2005
                  • 956

                  Originally posted by OLYMPIAN
                  Pinochet was the leader of Chile not Argentina..Galtieri was the President in 82 if i'm not mistaken , a stupid drunk who didnt know any better.
                  Yeah, you're right, got the two of them mixed up, I'm sure Pinochet was in cahoots with Thatcher and let UK forces land there.

